Name: Fatima Flores
Pronouns: She/her
Industry Position: Passionate Matildas Active Support Member, Women Onside Director, Women’s Football Activist
Organization/ Team: Matildas Active Support (MAS), Women Onside (WO)
What’s your favorite thing about working in soccer?
It’s working with other passionate people who love the game and go above and beyond to take women’s football to the next level. I also love the supportive & inclusive community that exists in women’s football.

What are you most excited about for the 2023 Women’s World Cup?
Having the World Cup in my country, Australia, is a dream come true! It’s also such an amazing opportunity to see the progress of the game from France’s 2019 World Cup.
You promote fan engagement for the Matildas Active Support; what are your top 3 priorities for World Cup preparations?
Promoting the World Cup & other fan-specific events such as watch parties/pre-game meet-ups, etc. I also plan the pre-game & game day atmosphere and fan events. In addition, I connect with fans from other countries & support them where I can to ensure they enjoy their experience.

What advice would you give someone who wants to promote fan engagement in the soccer industry?
Connect & reach out to others, even if you don’t know them, and try to learn about their journey in soccer.

What impact do you think more women and unrepresented folks working in soccer will have on equity in the industry?
It will reflect an inclusive environment & one that prioritizes the views and perspectives of all. More diverse folks working in soccer will positively impact the industry as it will lead to more opportunities to grow the game on and off the field!

Special thanks to Fatima, Moya Dodd, and everyone in the WIS community who made this story possible!
This WWC23 Starting XI Behind The Teams spotlight is brought to you by Women in Soccer in partnership with Talisman & Co.